When you’re constantly rushing to be on time for work or an important social event, making sure your outfit looks clean and lint-free feels like one more thing to worry about. That’s why it’s important to find the best lint brushes for clothes so you can focus on nailing that job interview instead of worrying about all the pet hair on your blazer. And when you’re searching for a good lint brush, you want to make sure you’re choosing something that accommodates all of your needs.
First off, think about the typical culprits that end up all over your clothes. Are you just looking for something to remove standard particles like lint and fuzz, or are you constantly having to peel your dog’s fur off of your pants?
The next thing you’ll want to think about is budget. If lint on your clothes isn’t a huge problem and you’re just looking for something quick and easy to have on hand, there are plenty of options available for just a few bucks. But if most of your clothes are overrun with fur, hair, lint, fluff, and fuzz, and you own garments (like wool sweaters) that are difficult to clean, you might want to invest in something a little more advanced.